i am brother.

We are a growing group of men with a single intention of lifting other men. Our mission is to lift men through open conversations, strategic events and resource sharing.

i am brother. is a hope-filled vision born out of the pain of losing brothers. 3 of 4 suicides are men. We believe one of the first steps to decreasing suicide is getting men to talk about the hard stuff. We believe real bravery is vulnerability – regardless of what society has taught us.

We are not healthcare professionals. We are simply men with a heart for men. Our commitment is to provide healthy, safe spaces and walk with you to whichever resource you need.


Lifting men can’t be drilled down to suicide prevention. It is lifting men in general in every part of life. We simply hope that the result will be fewer men in crisis and more men being honest when crisis comes.

We want to connect with you.


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